For more than 15 years DataTraceID has been uncovering the truths behind the fakes


To further this goal we decided to collect and share data about how companies perceive counterfeit


The Counterfeit Counsel Survey collected data from across the globe, from February to April 2018


You can download all the data using the link on this webpage, but here are the highlights


More than half the companies that responded are experiencing some degree of counterfeit


However the majority of companies in FMCG and Food & Beverage see counterfeit as a massive threat to their viability


Contrary to other data only 9% of companies see their counterfeit problem getting out of control in the next 3 years


This could be naivety or that our network is well prepared!


FMCG, Food& Beverage and Pharma companies are the most active users of countermeasures


31% of companies are trialling or have deployed countermeasures to curb or eliminate counterfeit


Automotive, Aeronautical, FMCG and Food & Beverage companies think that their consumers have a higher degree of concern about counterfeit


Online platform and retailer efforts to curb counterfeit scored poorly


KEY TAKE AWAY 1: If you are in FMCG, Food & Beverage or Pharma you should be examining your counterfeit risks


KEY TAKE AWAY 2: If you are in Automotive, Aeronautical or Defense then you may also be at a higher risk than others


KEY TAKE AWAY 3: Many companies are deploying countermeasures to curb counterfeit. As this occurs unprotected product may be increasingly targeted by perpetrators


Get the entire report at the link below and complete the form to participate in series 2 of the Counterfeit Counsel Survey!


2018 Counterfeit Counsel Survey

Download the 2018 Counterfeit Counsel Survey Report



Counterfeiting is a significant global problem that is a growing concern for companies…


View counterfeit as a problem for their company – 30% “significant” or worse


Predict counterfeiting to remain a problem or increase over next 3 years – 40% expect it to become a bigger issue


…and has permeated all industries, posing a significant threat to industry viability…


View counterfeit as a problem for their industry – 47% “significant” or worse


Respondents in FMCG and Food & Beverage rate counterfeit as “significant issue”


…and causing an increasing level of awareness and concern for consumers.


Believe consumers have some level of “awareness” of counterfeiting


Believe consumers are “concerned” about counterfeiting


The inaugural Counterfeit Counsel Survey Report is a global survey on counterfeiting impacts and responses of companies operating across a diverse cross-section of industries and regions. Survey responses were collated online during the period February 2018 to April 2018 and reflect a good representation across regions, industry and annual turnover.

Region(s) of Operation


Annual Turnover

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DataTraceID and to take part in future surveys.